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We are inviting you to provide your own ideas for the economic and sustainable development of Llanfair Caereinion town centre

Powys County Council has appointed Owen Davies Consulting to work with local stakeholders, the Town Council and the business community to produce a Placemaking Plan.

Llanfair Caereinion is part of the Transforming Towns initiative, a Welsh Government programme that supports the growth and resilience of towns across Powys. The creation of the Placemaking Plan for Llanfair Caereinion will bring it in line with the other towns in the County that have already developed their own plans.

The Plan aims to help identify the gaps and actions required in the immediate future to support the economic recovery and sustainability of the town centre. A Placemaking Plan for Llanfair Caereinion will mean the town is able to access future funding opportunities as they become available.

What type of Plan?

The plan will be based on the principles of co-design and encouraging the involvement of local businesses, communities and stakeholders from an early stage in its development. Delivery will be focused on a shared vision for the town centre supported by shared priorities and outcomes.

How can I comment and get involved?

Using the links below you can leave your comments and ideas for Llanfair Caereinion to help identify the key issues and opportunities. You can place your comments and photographs on the interactive map, and if you want to be kept informed you can also sign up for updates.

We recognise that drafting a new plan doesn’t start from scratch, and it must consider the findings and ideas from recent consultation exercises, existing studies, and initiatives. Together, they provide the foundations for the study, town centre vision and future priorities.


Background research, identifying the key issues and ideas

June 2024

SWOT analysis and initial proposals

July 2024

The draft plan and public feedback

July – September 2024

Final plan

October 2024

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