Introduction and background
About the Placemaking Plan
Earlier this year, Powys County Council appointed Owen Davies Consulting to work with local stakeholders to produce a Placemaking Plan for your town centre as part of Welsh Government’s Transforming Towns programme.
The Placemaking Plan, which will include a prioritised Action Plan, will guide investment and help secure funding in the town for the next 5+ years.
About this questionnaire
- Tell us what you think about your town centre and what you think needs to be improved, to inform a shared vision.
- Provide feedback (in as much detail as you would like) on the ideas for the town centre so they can be developed further.
If you haven’t already read the draft Action Plan, you can find it here.
What happens next?
The feedback you provide through this questionnaire will be considered alongside feedback gathered from the interactive map and a public drop-in event to inform the creation of the final Placemaking Plan.